Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Common Grass Yellow

Common Grass Yellow - Eurema hecabe Linnaeus

Common Grass Yellow Butterflies Mating
Common Grass Yellow Butterflies Mating

Wingspan: 40-50mm.

A right yellow butterfly with black borders on the upperside of its wings. It is found all over India.

It has a weak fluttering flight and feeds mostly on small, low growing flowers.

Eggs are laid on closed tender leaves of leguminous plants.

Eggs of Common Grass Yellow Butterfly
Eggs of Common Grass Yellow Butterfly

Caterpillar is yellowish, does not venture far from and pupation occurs on or near the host plant, near to the ground.

Caterpillar of Common Grass Yellow Butterfly
Caterpillar of Common Grass Yellow Butterfly

Pupa of Common Grass Yellow Butterfly
Pupa of Common Grass Yellow Butterfly
Larval Host Plants

Host plants are Legunimous and of families Mimosaceae (acacias, touch me not), Caesalpiniaceae (Cassia) and Fabaceae.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Common Emigrant

Common Emigrant - Catopsilia pomona Fabricius

Common Emigrant Butterfly
Common Emigrant Butterfly

Wingspan: 55-80mm

Color and Size variation in Common Emigrant Butterfly
Color and Size variation in Common Emigrant Butterfly

One of the most variable butterfly species in India in regard of size and color.

Common Emigrant Butterflies Mudpuddling
Common Emigrant Butterflies Mudpuddling

Common Emigrant Butterflies Mudpuddling
Common Emigrant Butterflies Mudpuddling

Egg of Common Emigrant Butterfly
Egg of Common Emigrant Butterfly

Eggs of Common Emigrant Butterfly
Eggs of Common Emigrant Butterfly

Caterpillar is yellowish and green when young later turns leafy green.

Caterpillar of Common Emigrant Butterfly
Caterpillar of Common Emigrant Butterfly
Caterpillar of Common Emigrant Butterfly
Caterpillar of Common Emigrant Butterfly

Pupation takes place close to the ground in dense foliage.

Pupa of Common Emigrant Butterfly
Pupa of Common Emigrant Butterfly

Larval Host Plants

Cassia fistula, Cassia siamea and Cassia tora (Caesalpiniaceae) , Butea frondosa and Bauhinia racemosa (Fabaceae and Caesalpiniaceae)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Common Mime

Common Mime - Papilio clytia Linnaeus

Wingspan: 90-120mm.

common mime is a tail-less swallowtail. It has two forms clytia which mimics the Common Indian Crow and the form dissimilis which mimics the Blue Tiger.

Common Mime Butterfly
Common Mime Butterfly

Common mime is usually found in the hilly regions. It mainly feeds from flowers of shrubs and small trees. Males engage in mud puddling.

Caterpillar of common mime is velvety black or dark green rests on upper side of leafs.

Caterpillar of Common Mime Butterfly

Pupa resembles a dead twig about an inch long, broken off irregularly at the tip.

Pupa of Common Mime Butterfly

Larval Host Plants

Plants of family Lauraceae

Alseodaphne semicarpifolia, Cinnamomum camphora, Cinnamomum macrocarpum, Litsea chinensis and Litsea deccanensis.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Common Bluebottle

Common Bluebottle - Graphium sarpedon Linnaeus

 Blue bottle butterfly
 Blue bottle butterfly

Wingspan: 80-90mm.

Black butterfly with a greenish-blue central band.

Blue bottle is very common in evergreen and semi evergreen forests. very nervous butterfly and flies fast with fast wingbeats. spends most of its time in the canopy of tall trees.Males engage in mudpuddling.

Eggs of blue bottle butterflies are yellowish. Larva is black or dark green with spines.

Pupa is green with a slender and pointed thoracic projection, yellowish wing cases and lateral bands.

Larval Host Plants

Plants of family Lauraceae and Annonaceae

Alseodaphne semecarpifolia, Cinnamomum camphora, Cinnamomum macrocarpum, Cinnamomum malabatrum, Litsea chinensis, Miliusa tomentosa, Polyalthia longifolia and Persea macrantha.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tailed Jay

Tailed Jay - Graphium agamemnon Linnaeus

Tailed Jay Butterfly

 Tailed Jay Butterfly

Wingspan: 85-100mm.

Black butterfly with green spots and steaks on wings. Wings are more elongated and narrower than other swallow tail butterflies.

Tailed Jay Butterfly

 Tailed Jay Butterfly

Tailed Jay Butterfly Mating
Tailed Jay Butterfly Mating

 Caterpillar of tailed jay is spindle shaped and rests on the upper side of the leaves.

Caterpillar of Tailed Jay Butterfly

Caterpillar of Tailed Jay Butterfly

Larval Host Plants

Annonaceae, Lauraceae and Magnoliaceae

Annona discolor, Annona muriacata, Annona reticulata, Annona squamosa, Annona Artabotrys hexapetalus, Cinnamomum spp, Michelia champaca, Miliusa tomentosum, Polyalthia cerasoides and P. longifolia.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Common Jay

Common Jay  Graphium doson C & R Felder

Common Jay Butterfly

 Winspan: 70 - 80 mm.

Common Jay Butterfly

A black butterfly with a pale blue, semi transparent central band. Underside of the wings is brown. Both the sexes look alike. 

Common Jay butterflies mudpuddling
Caterpillar is very sluggish and is found on the center portion of the  upper side of the leaves.

Caterpillar of Common Jay Butterfly

Pupa is green in color has yellowish wing cases and lateral bands.

Pupa of Common Jay Butterfly

Larva Host Plants

Plants of family Lauraceae and Annonaceae :-

Alsedaphne semecarpifolia, Cinnamomum camphora, C. macrocarpum, C. malabatrum, Litsea chinensis, Miliusa tomentosa, Polyalthia longifolia and Persea macrantha.

Lime Butterfly

Lime Butterfly  Papilio demoleus.

Wingspan: 80 - 100mm.

Lime Butterfly  Papilio demoleus
Lime Butterflies engaged in Mudpuddling

A medium sized  swallow tail with black wings that become brownish in old ones. Wings are spotted with various shades of yellow. Undersides are marked with lemon yellow, red and blue. Sexes are alike. Large groupes of Lime Butterfly engaged in Mud puddling is a common sight. It occurs through out the year, but more commonly during the monsoon and post-monsoon  months.

Lime Butterfly
Lime Butterfly

The eggs are similar to that of common mormon, but caterpillars are easily distinguishable from that common mormon caterpillar because of the yellowish olive green with a white spiracular band. Pupa is light green and unmarked and very similar to the common mormon. 

Larva host plants: Citrus varieties like Citrus aurantifolia, C. grandis, C. limon, C.sinensis, Murraya koenigii, Atlantia racemosa etc.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Common Mormon

Common Mormon  Papilio polytes Linnaeus

Wingspan: 90 - 100mm.

Common mormon is the  most common species among swallow tail butterflies. Male is black with an array of white spots along the central areas of the hind-wing. The border of the fore wing is marked with smaller white spots.

Common Mormon female laying eggs

 Females have three forms, the form cyrus similar to the male and the romulus form mimicking Crimson Rose butterfly. The form stichius is a mimic of Common Rose Butterfly.

Malabar Banded Swallow Tail
 Malabar Banded Swallow Tail

 Malabar Banded Swallow Tail an endemic butterfly of Western Ghats is a similar species to the Common Mormon.

Common Mormon Butterfly Emerging from Pupa
Common Mormon Butterfly Emerging from Pupa

Common Mormon is a regular sight in city garden to forest because of the abundance of larva host plant and nectaring plants. Males often engage in mud puddling; which is a common sight at riverbeds and wet soil.

Egg of Common Mormon Butterfly

The eggs are laid on the upper surface of the tender leaves and shots.

Caterpillar of Common Mormon Butterfly

First instars of the caterpillar look likes to bird-drops. Pupas are varid in colurs from green to yellow and dry leaves' colour.

Caterpillar of Common Mormon Butterfly

Pupa of Common Mormon Butterfly
Pupa of Common Mormon Butterfly

Larva host plants: Citrus sp. Murraya koeigii, M. paniculata, Glycosmis arborea etc.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blue Mormon

Blue Mormon Papilio polymnestor Cramer.

Life Cycle of Blue Mormon Butterfly
Life Cycle of Blue Mormon Butterfly
Wingspan:120 - 150 mm.
A large black and blue butterfly with red spots at the base of its wing. One of the second largest butterflies in South India. Very common in forests, midland and coastal area. 
Blue Mormon Butterfly -  Papilio polymnestor Cramer.
 Blue Mormon Butterfly
Regular visitor of flowers of Clearodendron sp, Mussanda sp. and Ixora etc which have long corolla tubes.. Male likes sunshine and females are shadow dwellers. 

Blue Mormon Butterfly Mudpuddling
Males like mud puddling along with other butterflies. It also basks in shady pathways with its wings spread flat. A common butterfly in cities also because of the abundance of the larva host plants and flowers for nectar.

Egg of Blue Mormon Butterfly - Ready to hatch
Blue Mormon Butterfly Egg - ready to hatch

The eggs are laid on the upper surface of the leaves or on tender shoots. The eggs are spherical and light green when in fresh, later turning orange yellow.
Caterpillar of Blue Mormon Butterfly
Caterpillar of Blue Mormon Butterfly
 The caterpillars are very similar to the Common Mormon.
Pupa of Blue Mormon Butterfly
Pupa of Blue Mormon Butterfly 
Larva host plants: Citrus sp., Atalantia racemosa, A. wightii, Glycosmis arborea etc.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Southern Birdwing - Troides minos Cramer

Southern birdwing butterfly with a wingspan of 140 – 190 mm is the largest of southern Indian butterflies. Female of this species is larger than male but is less beautiful; a series of large triangular spots on the yellow areas of the hind-wings which lack in the male helps distinguish males and females. Males are bright black and golden yellow.

Southern Birdwing Butterfly

A regular visitor of home gardens; fond of nectar from Mussanda, Lantana and Ixora sp. Etc. Usually common in monsoon and post monsoon seasons and sharing a varied of habitats from forests to coastal areas.

Southen Birdwing Female
Southen Birdwing Female

 Eggs are dark orange in color and are laid on the leaves and tender shoots of the Aristolochia plants.  Aristolochia indica, A. tagla and Thottea siliquosa.

Southern birdwing butterfly egg
Southern birdwing butterfly egg

Egg of Southern Birdwing Butterfly


Southern birdwing butterfly is a strong flier and it flies high above tree tops in the forests. It flies in a leisurely manner, circling and sailing over the plants.


It starts flying very early in the morning. Is very fond of nectar and readily visits Mussanda, Lantana and Ixora sp. Etc.


Southern birdwing caterpillar is similar to that of Common Rose and is velvety maroon – red with a shiny black head.

Caterpillar of Southern Birdwing Butterfly


Pupa of southern birdwing is also similar to that of common rose butterfly. It is pale brown or green and is marked with fine brown striations and minute markings.

Pupa of Southern Birdwing Butterfly
Pupa of Southern Birdwing Butterfly

Larval Host Plants

Aristolochia indica, Aristolochia tagala, Thottea siliquosa.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Common Rose Pachliopta aristolochiae Fabricius

Common Rose is one of the most beautiful swallow tail butterflies to be found in India. With a wingspan of 80 -110 mm it is also a large butterfly. It is black in color with a crimson body and has a large white area on its hind wings. The outer margin of its hind wings has a series of deep red or brownish red spots. Both sexes of this butterfly species look alike.

 Common Rose Butterfly - Pachliopta aristolochiae Fabricius
 Crimson Rose Butterfly

Crimson rose and Malabar rose are two species that look alike the Common rose. But crimson rose is larger, brighter and it also has two white central bands on its fore wings. And Malabar rose has a much larger white patch on its hid wings and is only found in southern and central western ghats. The stichius form of the Common mormon female mimics Common rose.

Common Mormon Butterfly


Flight of the common rose butterfly is slow but straight and long sustained, usually flies at a height of 3 – 4 meters from the ground but when traveling long distances it attains heights up to 10 – 15 meters.


Common rose butterfly is fond of flowers especially of Lantana, Cleorodendron, Cosmos, Zinnia etc. It occasionally visits wet soil patches, baskes with its wings spread out.

Newly Emerged Common Rose Butterfly
Newly Emerged Common Rose Butterfly

Newly emerged common rose butterfly
Newly emerged common rose butterfly


Caterpillar of common rose butterfly is velvety maroon in color and has a white band on its abdominal segments. It is bulky, has fleshy protuberances on the body and moves very slowly. Caterpillars are very similar to that of Southern Birdwing but smaller and with out pale ash markings on the body.


Pupa of common rose butterfly is brownish in color, has a large flat semi circular projections on the back of abdomen, thorax and head. It is usually supported by a body band which is attached to the stick where it hangs.

Larval Host Plants

Aristolochia indica, Aristolochia tagala, Aristolochia bracteolate and Thottea siliquosa (Aristolochiaceae).